June 2013

Dear all,

I can’t think of anything to write…

I’m not uninspired, just not inspired…

We all have days like this don’t we?

Times when life is so busy that just coming up for air is an achievement.

I can still remember my introductory day at Spurgeons’ Bible College. A good looking twenty-two year old man (that’s me) was walking up to the chapel and ended up next to a very plain looking man in his fifties. Being the polite person I am I struck up a conversation with him:

“Do you work here?”


“Oh, what do you do?” I quickly looked him up and down. “Are you the Janitor?”

“No,” he smiled graciously. “I’m the Principle of the college.”

“Oh, that’s great…” I died inside briefly.

He, Rev. Michael Quicke, then stood up in the chapel after we had sung and told us, if memory serves me correctly (!), that we wouldn’t get everything done in our studies and each piece of work would probably take double the length of time we planned for it. I never found the second part to be the case as the table tennis and snooker tables often seemed to call me like a siren in a storm, leading to slightly rushed pieces of work.

He then said he was often so busy that he didn’t have time to pray. I was shocked. Here was the leader of the Bible College, who possibly cleaned the toilets as well, saying that he didn’t have it all together spiritually! I felt a slight panic and then a flood of relief.

He adjusted his glasses and then went on to tell us that Jesus is now in heaven praying for us as the New Testament says (Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:34 and 1 John 2:1). He stands before his heavenly Father/Mother and prays for you and me! Not just the really good Christians, not just the occasional Sunday attendees, but every single person on the face of the earth.

This means that when we haven’t chatted with God for ages we don’t need to spend most of the time apologising for not talking! If God really loves us even more than we love out children and grandchildren then he is just chuffed to hear our blubbering, incoherent, at times theologically incorrect, utterances.

What are you waiting for? Get chatting.

Maybe share below when and where best works for you when you talk with God.

Yours because of Jesus – Neil.

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