
When: Thursdays (term time only) 10 – 11.15am

Where: Bessels Green Baptist Church (Sevenoaks) TN13 2PS – round the back in the hall

Cost: £2 per family

Welcome to BabyPlus. We are a baby and toddler group at Bessels Green Baptist Church, meeting on Thursday mornings during term time from 10 to 11.15 a.m.

We hope you feel safe and welcome here. We would like to explain a bit about how the group works.

We charge an entrance fee of £2 per family, which covers all activities, unlimited tea and coffee, and snacks for the children.

Parents/carers can come to the hatch for a drink at any time, but please hold your cup to prevent accidents.

If you prefer to bring a lidded cup/flask, we’ll happily fill that up instead.

We’ll give your children snacks at the end of the session, but there will also be a little picnic table next to the welcome desk if you would like to give your child a snack from home during the session. If you could use this, it would help us avoid getting crumbs of food containing wheat/gluten on the floor/toys and better support those who have food allergies. Thank you for your help with this!

As space can become quite crowded, we ask that you leave all prams and buggies in the foyer area near where you came in. If your child is asleep, feel free to detach the seat and bring it in with you.

The accessible toilet has a changing area. If your toddler needs the loo, please go with them.

We aim to have a wide variety of indoor and outdoor toys available each week, alongside lots of craft and sensory play. Around 11 o’clock, we gather for story time or music.

In the unlikely event of the fire alarm going off, please leave as quickly as you can by either the door you came in by or through the fire doors at the end of the hall. We will assemble on the Green itself, where we will take the register.

We also run a small SEND toddler group for children with disabilities and an autism support group. Please let us know if you would like more information.

If you want to stay in touch with the group, join our Facebook group (BabyPlus@BGBC) or contact us below.

We hope to meet the needs of all age groups through the many activities that run here weekly.

We have various worship services on Sundays:

  • at 10am (with a crèche, Powerhouse for children and Going Live for young people).

  • at 5pm (for those unable to attend our morning service due to sports or other commitments).

Our church vision is:

‘Living like Jesus and sharing him with others as we seek first the Kingdom of God.’

Do have a look at our Vision and Values guide to find out more about who we are and what we do.

Why not come along and check us out and hopefully become a part of our “kingdom” adventure!

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