Babies & Toddlers

BabyPlus is a baby and toddler group run by Bessels Green Baptist Church. It meets on Thursday mornings during term time from 10 to 11.15 a.m. We hope you feel safe and welcome here.

Click the link below to find out more.

Children (5-11)

At Bessels Green, we cherish our vibrant Children’s ministry, echoing Jesus’s teachings on the importance of childlike faith (Matthew 18:1-3).

Our Safe To Grow policy (all leaders DBS checked) ensures a secure environment for children to learn, play, and deepen their relationship with God.

Join us on Sunday mornings at Powerhouse for engaging activities aligned with the main service.

Young People

At Bessels we are passionate about allowing our young people to grow up in a safe, loving, challenging, forgiving and authentic environment. We seek to share the amazing story of Jesus with them, and help them as they ask questions, push boundaries and explore their own faith.

We have a number of regular groups for our young people:

  • Going Live – for young people aged 10-18, meets on Sunday mornings during the morning service.

  • ‘Un Baja’ – for Yrs 7-13, meets every Wednesday evening, 7:00-8:30pm, in the Youth Lounge, to chill out and chat about faith.

  • Flip Flops – For those in school years 5-8, we currently meet Bi-weekly on a Tuesday, once in a coffee shop straight after school and once in the evening in the Church hall. We meet to play games, chat about life and faith and there is nearly always food involved.

For more details please contact Josh.

Seniors (Wednesday Lunch)

We meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 12.30 where we enjoy a two-course meal followed by a talk or another fun activity.

Booking lunch is essential.

For more information, please call 01732 454921 (ext. 4) to speak to Andy.


Bessels Green Baptist Church don’t only meet to improve our spiritual health! Over the years a number of weekly activities have sprung up out of our church family thanks to enthusiastic members getting together for a run-around.

All our sports activities have loads of people committed to them who don’t come to church services or necessarily believe in God.

Click the link below to find out more information. All are welcome!

Art Clubs

A tutored morning is held every Friday in term-time in the church hall from 10.00 to 12.30.

Some experience in painting and drawing is useful as we tend to assume the ‘basics’.


Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life.

Visit our prayer page to join our online prayer meeting and/or to submit a prayer request.