Young People

We have a number of regular groups for our young people:

  • Going Live – for young people aged 10-18, meets on Sunday mornings during the morning service.

  • ‘Un Baja’ – for Yrs 7-13, meets every Wednesday evening, 7:00-8:30pm, in the Youth Lounge, to chill out and chat about faith.

  • Flip Flops – For those in school years 5-8, we currently meet Bi-weekly on a Tuesday, once in a coffee shop straight after school and once in the evening in the Church hall. We meet to play games, chat about life and faith and there is nearly always food involved. For more details please contact Josh.

  • Satellites – Once a year we take our youth to the Satellites festival run by Youthscape, this is a fantastic time for our young people to gather with thousands of other teenagers to worship, learn, take part in impromptu mass water fights, eat doughnuts late into the night and generally have an awesome time. Please contact Josh to find out more